Appendix 2: Earlier Version Update Notes
Appendix 2 provides the update contents of earlier versions of the schema.
Version 4.4 Update
Addition of the new subproperty 6.d classificationCode in the 6. Subject property.
Addition of new values to the 10.a resourceTypeGeneral property:
Addition of a new relationType: IsPublishedIn (indicates that A is published in B)
Addition of a new 20. RelatedItem property, with subproperties to contain specific details for containing publication information previously encoded in a 17. Description field with
(for example, to define the journal name, volume, and page number for an article resource). Subproperties:
Major Documentation changes:
The title of this document has changed to: DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation for the Publication and Citation for Research Data and Other Research Outputs.
Following community feedback and suggestions, this version includes further clarification as regards the following contributorTypes: DataManager, DataCurator, ResearchGroup, and HostingInstitution.
Version 4.3 Update
Version 4.3 of the schema includes these changes:
Addition of new subproperties for affiliation (2.5, 7.5) in the 2. Creator and 7. Contributor properties:
Addition of a new subproperty 19.2.b schemeURI for 19.2 funderIdentifier of the 19. FundingReference property.
Addition of “ROR” to the controlled list values of 19.2.a funderIdentifierType of the 19. FundingReference property.
Version 4.3 of the documentation includes these changes:
Addition of “ROR” and “GRID” as examples of nameIdentifierScheme (2.4.a, 7.4.a) and schemeURI (2.4.b, 7.4.b) of the properties 2. Creator and 7. Contributor.
Addition of a usage note to the affiliation (2.5, 7.5) subproperty of 2. Creator and 7. Contributor.
Addition of a note to the 8. Date property and 8.b dateInformation subproperty on the use of dates in ancient history.
Broadening of the description of dateType Created with dates in ancient history (see Appendix 1: Controlled List Definitions - dateType)
Amendment of the hierarchical numbering of the metadata properties to align with the schema XSD.
Removal of brackets in the guidance regarding unknown values.
Version 4.2 Update
Version 4.2 of the schema includes these changes:
Addition of new relationType pair: IsObsoletedBy and Obsoletes
Addition of new relatedIdentifierType w3id
Addition of new subproperties for 16. Rights:
Addition of the XML language attribute to the properties 2. Creator, 7. Contributor and 4. Publisher for organizational names.
Version 4.2 of the documentation includes these changes:
Addition of “data management plan” and “conference paper” as examples to the description of resourceTypeGeneral Text (see Appendix 1: Controlled List Definitions - resourceTypeGeneral).
Addition of a usage note to the relationType pair Compiles/IsCompiledBy (see Appendix 1: Controlled List Definitions - relatedIdentifierType).
Addition of a reference to the DataCite Event Data service to the description of the 12. RelatedIdentifier property.
Addition of subproperty 12.f resourceTypeGeneral to 12. RelatedIdentifier.
Notes on the coverage and scope of the metadata schema, and the preferred language in which the metadata should be provided.
Version 4.1 Update
Version 4.1 of the schema includes these changes:
Allowing multiple polygons per 18. GeoLocation
Addition of new optional subproperties for polygon
Addition of new dateType “Other”
Addition of new subproperty for 8. Date
Addition of a new resourceType DataPaper
Addition of three new relationType pairs:
IsRequiredBy and Requires
Addition of a new optional attribute for 2.1 creatorName and 7.1 contributorName:
Addition of a new optional attribute for 12. RelatedIdentifier
12.f resourceTypeGeneral. Controlled list is identical to existing 10.a resourceTypeGeneral attribute
Addition of optional lang attribute to 16. Rights property
Version 4.1 of the documentation includes these changes:
Change to the definition of Collection to encompass collections of one resourceType as well as those of mixed types.
Inclusion of a reference to the Research Data Alliance (RDA)-recommended dynamic data citation approach in documentation in section 2.2, Citation.
Change to the definition and examples of 13. Size property to include duration as well as extent.
Correction of the hierarchy of elements for 2. Creator and 7. Contributor.
To enhance support for software citation, addition of 2 new appendices: one with a list of all the changes and explanatory notes (Support for software citation); and one with Force11 mappings (FORCE11 Software Citation Principles Mapping)
Changes and additions to these definitions, in support of software citation:
Version 4.0 Update
Version 4.0 of the schema includes these changes:
Allowing more than one nameIdentifier (2.4, 7.4) per 2. Creator or 7. Contributor
Addition of new optional subproperties for 2.1 creatorName and 7.1 contributorName:
Addition of new 3.a titleType “Other”
Addition of new subproperty for 6.a subjectScheme:
Changing 10.a resourceTypeGeneral from optional to mandatory
Addition of a new relatedIdentifierType option IGSN
Addition of a new descriptionType TechnicalInfo
Addition of a new subproperty for 18. GeoLocation: 18.4 geoLocationPolygon
Changing the definition of the existing 18. GeoLocation sub properties (18.1 geoLocationPoint, and 18.2 geoLocationBox)
Addition of a new property: 19. FundingReference, with subproperties
Deprecation of contributorType “funder” (as a result of adding the new property 19. FundingReference)
Version 4.0 of the documentation includes these changes:
Provision of a link to guidelines for how to write the ORCID ID (See properties 2.2.1 and 7.3.1 nameIdentifierScheme)
Adjustment of the instructions for resourceTypeGeneral option Collection (See Appendix 1: Controlled List Definitions - resourceTypeGeneral)
Note that, while the property 10. ResourceType has been relocated in the documentation to the mandatory property section, it retains its original numbering (10).
Version 3.1 Update
Version 3.1 of the schema includes these changes:
New affiliation attribute (2.4, 7.4) for 2. Creator and 7. Contributor
New relationType pairs
IsReviewedBy and Reviews
Version 3.1 of the documentation includes these changes:
Documentation for the new affiliation attributes (2.4, 7.4) for 2. Creator and 7. Contributor
Special notes about support for long lists of names (2. Creator and 7. Contributor)
Additional guidance for:
Recording 5. PublicationYear
Handling the digitised version of physical object
Handling missing mandatory property values, including standard values table (Appendix 3: Standard values for unknown information)
Documentation for the new contributorType: DataCurator
Documentation for the two new relatedIdentifierTypes:
Documentation, including examples, for the new relationType pairs:
IsReviewedBy and Reviews
Correction of link errors in 3.0 documentation
Version 3.0 Update
Version 3.0 of the DataCite Metadata Schema included these changes 1.
Correction of a problem with our way of depicting dates by
implementing RKMS-ISO8601 2 standard for depicting date ranges, so that a range is indicated as follows: 2004-03-02/2005-06-02
date types, and derogating these from earlier versions
Addition of a new 18. GeoLocation property, with the sub-properties 18.1 geoLocationPoint, 18.2 geoLocationBox, 18.3 geoLocationPlace supporting a simple depiction of geospatial information, as well as a free text description.
Addition of new values to controlled lists:
resourceTypeGeneral : Audiovisual, Workflow, and Other and derogation of Film
relationType: IsIdenticalTo (indicates that A is identical to B, for use when there is a need to register two separate instances of the same resource)
relationType: HasMetadata, (indicates resource A has additional metadata B and indicates), IsMetadataFor (indicates additional metadata A for resource B)
Deletion of the derogated resourceType: film
New sub-properties for 12.b relationType: 12.c relatedMetadataScheme, 12.d schemeURI and 12.e schemeType, to be used only for the new relationType pair of HasMetadata, IsMetadataFor
Addition of schemeURI (2.4.b, 7.4.b, 6.b) sub-property to the nameIdentifierScheme (2.4.a, 7.4.a, 6.a) associated with 2.1 creatorName, 7.1 contributorName and 6. Subject
Addition of the 16.a rightsURI sub-property to 16. Rights; 16. Rights is now repeatable (within wrapper element
).Implementation of the xml:lang attribute 3 that can be used on the properties 3. Title, 6. Subject and 17. Description.
Removal of two system-generated administrative metadata fields:
because both values are tracked in another way now.
Version 3.0 of the DataCite Metadata Schema documentation included these changes:
Updates to the introductory information
Provision of greater detail, explanatory material and definitions for controlled lists
Indication of recommended metadata, in addition to mandatory and optional
Addition of more and more varied XML examples on the Metadata Schema website
Removal from documentation of information about administrative metadata (which cannot be edited by contributors).
Version 2.2 Update
Version 2.2 of the DataCite Metadata Schema introduced several changes, as noted below:
Addition of URL to list of allowed values for relatedIdentifierType
Addition of the following values to list of allowed values for contributorType: Producer, Distributor, RelatedPerson, Supervisor, Sponsor, Funder, RightsHolder
Addition of SeriesInformation to list of allowed values for descriptionType
Addition of Model to list of allowed values for resourceTypeGeneral
Version 2.2 of the DataCite Metadata Schema documentation included these changes:
Provision of more examples of xml for different types of resources
Explanation of the 5. PublicationYear property in consideration of the requirements of citation. A change to the definition of the 4. Publisher property, which now reads, “The name of the entity that holds, archives, publishes, prints, distributes, releases, issues, or produces the resource. This property will be used to formulate the citation, so consider the prominence of the role.”
Version 2.1 Update
Version 2.1 of the DataCite Metadata Schema introduced several changes, as noted below:
Addition of a namespace ( to the schema in order to support OAI-PMH compatibility
Enforcement of content for mandatory properties
New type for the 8. Date property to conform with the specification that it handles both YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD values
Version 2.1 of the DataCite Metadata Schema documentation included these changes:
Addition of a column to the Mandatory and Optional Properties tables providing an indicator of whether the property being described is an attribute or a child of the corresponding property that has preceded it
Revision of the allowed values description for the attribute 12.2
. These have been reviewed and rewritten for increased clarity. In several cases, corrections to the definitions occurred.
- 1
Two additional schema code level changes are the allowance of keeping optional wrapper elements empty and the allowance of arbitrary ordering of elements (by removal of <xs:sequence>).
- 2
The standard is documented here:
- 3
Allowed values IETF BCP 47, ISO 639-1 language codes, e.g. en, de, fr