19. FundingReference

Obligation: Optional

Occurrences: 0-n

Definition: Information about financial support (funding) for the resource being registered.

Allowed values, examples, other constraints:

It is a best practice to supply funding information when financial support has been received.


Example XML

    <funderName>European Commission</funderName>
    <funderIdentifier funderIdentifierType="Crossref Funder ID">https://doi.org/10.13039/501100000780</funderIdentifier>
    <awardNumber awardURI="https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/100180_en.html">282625</awardNumber>
    <awardTitle>MOTivational strength of ecosystem services and alternative ways to express the value of BIOdiversity</awardTitle>
    <funderName>European Commission</funderName>
    <funderIdentifier funderIdentifierType="Crossref Funder ID">https://doi.org/10.13039/501100000780</funderIdentifier>
    <awardNumber awardURI="https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/100603_en.html">284382</awardNumber>
    <awardTitle>Institutionalizing global genetic-resource commons. Global Strategies for accessing and using essential public knowledge assets in the life sciences</awardTitle>

19.1 funderName

Occurrences: 1

Definition: Name of the funding provider.

Allowed values, examples, other constraints:

If FundingReference is used, then funderName is mandatory.

Example: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

19.2 funderIdentifier

Occurrences: 0-1

Definition: Uniquely identifies a funding entity, according to various types.

Allowed values, examples, other constraints:

Example: https://doi.org/10.13039/100000936

19.2.a funderIdentifierType

Occurrences: 1

Definition: The type of the funderIdentifier.

Allowed values, examples, other constraints:

If funderIdentifier is used, funderIdentifierType is mandatory.

Controlled List Values:

  • Crossref Funder ID 1

  • GRID

  • ISNI

  • ROR

  • Other

19.2.b schemeURI

Occurrences: 0-1

Definition: The URI of the funder identifier scheme.

Allowed values, examples, other constraints:


19.3 awardNumber

Occurrences: 0-1

Definition: The code assigned by the funder to a sponsored award (grant).

Allowed values, examples, other constraints:

Example: GBMF3859.01

19.3.a awardURI

Occurrences: 0-1

Definition: The URI leading to a page provided by the funder for more information about the award (grant).

Allowed values, examples, other constraints:

Example: https://www.moore.org/grants/list/GBMF3859.01

Note: In case the award or grant has an ID or DOI, the full URL of the grant DOI can be included here, e.g. https://doi.org/10.35802/221400.

19.4 awardTitle

Occurrences: 0-1

Definition: The human readable title or name of the award (grant).

Allowed values, examples, other constraints:

Example: Socioenvironmental Monitoring of the Amazon Basin and Xingu



The Crossref service is called “Funder Registry” (https://www.crossref.org/services/funder-registry/) and Crossref Funder ID is the name for a Crossref identifier.