15. Version
Obligation: Optional
Occurrences: 0-1
Definition: The version number of the resource.
Allowed values, examples, other constraints:
Suggested practice: track major_version.minor_version. Register a new identifier for a major version change. Individual stewards need to determine which are major vs. minor versions 1.
Software engineering practice follows this approach of tracking changes and giving new version numbers.
May be used in conjunction with properties 11. AlternateIdentifier and 12. RelatedIdentifier to indicate various information updates. May be used in conjunction with property 17. Description to indicate the nature and file/record range of version.
Example XML
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Based on the work of the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP). For more guidance, see: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Interagency_Data_Stewardship/Citations/provider_guidelines#Note_on_Versioning_and_Locators