17. Description
Obligation: Recommended
Occurrences: 0-n
Definition: All additional information that does not fit in any of the other categories. May be used for technical information or detailed information associated with a scientific instrument.
Allowed values, examples, other constraints:
Free text.
It is a best practice to supply a description.
Example XML
<description xml:lang="en" descriptionType="Abstract">Example abstract</description>
17.a descriptionType
Occurrences: 1
Definition: The type of the Description.
Allowed values, examples, other constraints:
If Description is used, descriptionType is mandatory.
Controlled List Values:
Note: SeriesInformation as a container for series title, volume, issue, page number, and related fields, is now superseded by the new 20. RelatedItem property with relationType “IsPublishedIn” selected.
See Appendix 1: Controlled List Definitions - descriptionType for definitions.