DataCite to Dublin Core Mapping
These mappings can be used to convert records described following version 4.6 of the DataCite Metadata Schema into records that comply with the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Schema.
The first mapping in Table 4: DataCite to Dublin Core Qualified Mapping can be used to convert records described following version 4.6 of the DataCite Metadata Schema into records that comply with the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Schema.
The second mapping in Table 5: DataCite - Dublin Core local extension provides an example of a local DataCite Dublin Core extension.
Both mappings make use of the “pid” attribute from the proposed Scholarly Resources Application Profile (SRAP). 1
- 1
From the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Scholarly Resources Application Profile (SRAP) proposal: “We do not propose any new properties for agent-specific identifiers, but rely on DCMI’s draft proposal of using the XML
attribute to match identifiers with the agent names. However, we use attributepid
instead ofid
, since W3Cxml:id
proposal allows just one identifier per each element. In SRAP context, the same person or organization may have multiple unique identifiers.”