About the DataCite Metadata Schema


Citation: DataCite Metadata Working Group. (2024). DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation for the Publication and Citation of Research Data and Other Research Outputs. Version 4.5. DataCite e.V. https://doi.org/10.14454/g8e5-6293

Note that the schema and this documentation will always have the same version number.

Earlier versions will continue to be available at their previous locations for permanent reference.

The DataCite Metadata Schema is a list of core metadata properties chosen for accurate and consistent identification of a resource for citation and retrieval purposes, with recommended use instructions in the documentation. The resource that is being identified can be of any kind, but it is typically a dataset. We use the term ‘dataset’ in its broadest sense. We mean it to include not only numerical data, but any other research objects in keeping with DataCite’s mission. The metadata schema properties are presented and described in detail in the section DataCite Metadata Properties in this document.

While DataCite’s Metadata Schema has been expanded with each new version, it is, nevertheless, intended to be generic to the broadest range of research datasets, rather than customized to the needs of any particular discipline. DataCite metadata primarily supports citation and discovery of data; it is not intended to supplant or replace the discipline- or community-specific metadata that fully describes the data and is vital for understanding and reuse.

DataCite clients are strongly encouraged to provide metadata in English whenever possible, in addition to any other language that may be required by the funder or hosting organization. The DataCite Metadata Schema supports language attributes for core properties.

For a list of all changes accompanying this release, see Version 4.5 Update.

Lastly, we continue to support openness and the future extensibility of the schema by collaborating with the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Science and Metadata Community (SAM) to maintain a DataCite to Dublin Core crosswalk, available at DataCite to Dublin Core Mapping 4.5.