Using RelatedItem for publication information and related resources
The 20. RelatedItem property was developed to satisfy two distinct use cases.
The first use case is providing publication information for journal articles, book chapters, and other resources that are published within another item. This information about the related item (the container) is needed to formulate a complete citation of the primary resource being described. For example, a book title is necessary to cite a book chapter, and a journal title and volume/issue number are necessary to cite a journal article.
The second use case is providing information about related resources.
When a related resource does not have an identifier, the 20. RelatedItem property should be used to provide information about the related resource.
When a related resource has an identifier, the 12. RelatedIdentifier property should always be used. In addition, the 20. RelatedItem property may optionally be used to provide information about the related resource.
Use case: Providing publication information for journal articles, book chapters, and more
The RelatedItem property with relationType IsPublishedIn can be used to provide more complete publication for journal articles, book chapters, and other components of larger resources.
With the IsPublishedIn relationType, the following optional sub-properties may be used:
The related item that the resource is published in may have an identifier of this own. When the related item has an identifier, it may be included in the 20.1 relatedItemIdentifier attribute. In addition, the 12. RelatedIdentifier property should also be supplied.
Example: Journal article in a journal (with an ISSN)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21384/ExampleArticle</identifier>
<creatorName nameType="Personal">Garcia, Sofia</creatorName>
<nameIdentifier schemeURI="" nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID">0000-0001-5727-2427</nameIdentifier>
<affiliation affiliationIdentifier="" affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR" SchemeURI="">Arizona State University</affiliation>
<title xml:lang="en">Example Article Title</title>
<publisher xml:lang="en">Example Publisher</publisher>
<resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="JournalArticle"></resourceType>
<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISSN" relationType="IsPublishedIn">1234-5678</relatedIdentifier>
<relatedItem relationType="IsPublishedIn" relatedItemType="Journal">
<relatedItemIdentifier relatedItemIdentifierType="ISSN">1234-5678</relatedItemIdentifier>
<title>Journal of Metadata Examples</title>
<publisher>Example Publisher</publisher>
"data": {
"type": "dois",
"attributes": {
"url": "",
"prefix": "10.21384/ExampleArticle",
"creators": [
"name": "Garcia, Sofia",
"nameType": "Personal",
"givenName": "Sofia",
"familyName": "Garcia",
"affiliation": [
"name": "Arizona State University",
"schemeUri": "",
"affiliationIdentifier": ""
"nameIdentifiers": [
"schemeUri": "",
"nameIdentifier": "",
"nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID"
"titles": [
"lang": "en",
"title": "Example Article Title"
"publisher": "Example Publisher",
"publicationYear": 2022,
"types": {
"resourceTypeGeneral": "JournalArticle"
"relatedIdentifiers": [
"relationType": "IsPublishedIn",
"relatedIdentifier": "1234-5678",
"relatedIdentifierType": "ISSN"
"relatedItems": [
"issue": "4",
"titles": [
"title": "Journal of Metadata Examples"
"volume": "3",
"lastPage": "35",
"firstPage": "20",
"publisher": "Example Publisher",
"relationType": "IsPublishedIn",
"publicationYear": "2022",
"relatedItemType": "Journal",
"relatedItemIdentifier": {
"relatedItemIdentifier": "1234-5678",
"relatedItemIdentifierType": "ISSN"
Example: Digitized book chapter in a book (with no identifier)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21384/ExampleBookChapter</identifier>
<creatorName nameType="Personal">Garcia, Sofia</creatorName>
<title xml:lang="en">Example Chapter Title</title>
<publisher xml:lang="en">Example Publisher</publisher>
<resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="BookChapter"></resourceType>
<relatedItem relationType="IsPublishedIn" relatedItemType="Book">
<title>Example Book Title</title>
<publisher>Example Publisher</publisher>
<edition>2nd edition</edition>
<contributor contributorType="Editor">
<contributorName nameType="Personal">Miller, Elizabeth</contributorName>
"data": {
"type": "dois",
"attributes": {
"url": "",
"prefix": "10.21384/ExampleBookChapter",
"creators": [
"name": "Garcia, Sofia",
"nameType": "Personal",
"givenName": "Sofia",
"familyName": "Garcia"
"titles": [
"lang": "en",
"title": "Example Chapter Title"
"publisher": "Example Publisher",
"publicationYear": 1980,
"types": {
"resourceTypeGeneral": "BookChapter"
"relatedItems": [
"titles": [
"title": "Example Book Title"
"volume": "I",
"edition": "2nd edition",
"creators": [],
"lastPage": "155",
"firstPage": "110",
"publisher": "Example Publisher",
"contributors": [
"name": "Miller, Elizabeth",
"nameType": "Personal",
"givenName": "Elizabeth",
"familyName": "Miller",
"affiliation": [],
"contributorType": "Editor",
"nameIdentifiers": []
"relationType": "IsPublishedIn",
"publicationYear": "1980",
"relatedItemType": "Book"
Example: Digitized book chapter in a book (with an ISBN)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<identifier identifierType="DOI">10.21384/ExampleBookChapter</identifier>
<creatorName nameType="Personal">Garcia, Sofia</creatorName>
<title xml:lang="en">Example Chapter Title</title>
<publisher xml:lang="en">Example Publisher</publisher>
<resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="BookChapter"></resourceType>
<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="ISBN" relationType="IsPublishedIn">0-12-345678-1</relatedIdentifier>
<relatedItem relationType="IsPublishedIn" relatedItemType="Book">
<relatedItemIdentifier relatedItemIdentifierType="ISBN">0-12-345678-1</relatedItemIdentifier>
<creatorName nameType="Personal">Garcia, Sofia</creatorName>
<title>Example Book Title</title>
<number numberType="Chapter">4</number>
<publisher>Example Publisher</publisher>
"data": {
"type": "dois",
"attributes": {
"url": "",
"prefix": "10.21384/ExampleBookChapter",
"creators": [
"name": "Garcia, Sofia",
"nameType": "Personal",
"givenName": "Sofia",
"familyName": "Garcia"
"titles": [
"lang": "en",
"title": "Example Chapter Title"
"publisher": "Example Publisher",
"publicationYear": 2016,
"types": {
"resourceTypeGeneral": "BookChapter"
"relatedIdentifiers": [
"relationType": "IsPublishedIn",
"relatedIdentifier": "0-12-345678-1",
"relatedIdentifierType": "ISBN"
"relatedItems": [
"number": "4",
"titles": [
"title": "Example Book Title"
"creators": [
"name": "Garcia, Sofia",
"nameType": "Personal",
"givenName": "Sofia",
"familyName": "Garcia"
"lastPage": "63",
"firstPage": "45",
"publisher": "Example Publisher",
"numberType": "Chapter",
"relationType": "IsPublishedIn",
"publicationYear": "2016",
"relatedItemType": "Book",
"relatedItemIdentifier": {
"relatedItemIdentifier": "0-12-345678-1",
"relatedItemIdentifierType": "ISBN"
Use case: Describing related resources
The related item property can also be used to describe other types of relations between the resource being registered and related resources.
Describing related resources without identifiers
When a related resource does not have an identifier, the related item property can be used on its own.
<relatedItem relationType="References" relatedItemType="Dissertation">
<creatorName nameType="Personal">Miller, Elizabeth</creatorName>
<title>Example Dissertation Title</title>
<publisher>Example University</publisher>
Describing related resources with identifiers
Most related resources will have at least one of the identifier types specified in relatedIdentifierType.
In this case, the 12. RelatedIdentifier property is strongly recommended for indexing. In addition, the 20. RelatedItem property may be used to provide additional information about the related item.
<relatedIdentifier relationType="IsCitedBy" relatedIdentifierType="DOI" resourceTypeGeneral="JournalArticle">10.21384/ExampleJournalArticle</relatedIdentifier>
<relatedItem relationType="IsCitedBy" relatedItemType="JournalArticle">
<relatedItemIdentifier relatedItemIdentifierType="DOI">10.21384/ExampleJournalArticle</relatedItemIdentifier>
<creatorName nameType="Personal">Garcia, Sofia</creatorName>
<title>Example Article Title</title>
<publisher>Example Publisher</publisher>